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New Testament Survey Reading Plan (Beginning Mark’s Gospel) January 22, 2008

Posted by roberttalley in Mark, New Testament, Religion.

Questions to consider when following the survey reading plan.

Reading Plan for the Survey (week 3)


January 21, Mark 1-3, What picture does Mark paint both positively and negatively of the early ministry of Jesus in these three chapters?

January 22, Mark 4-7, Is there a unifying theme in the teachings of Jesus in these four chapters? If so, what is it and if not how do the various themes relate to one another?

January 23, Mark 8-10, What impression do you get from Mark of the final phase of Jesus ministry before He went to Jerusalem to be crucified?

January 24, Mark 11-13, What is the emphasis that Mark gives to the final week of Jesus’ life in these three chapters?

January 25, Mark 14, Based on what you have read so far, is there any difference in how Mark’s gospel comes across to you as compared to how Matthew’s gospel came across?

January 26, Mark 15-16, According to this chapter, why was Jesus crucified?

January 27, Luke 1, What are the main differences between Mark’s closing chapter and Matthew’s closing chapter?



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