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New Testament Survey – Reading through Matthew January 8, 2008

Posted by roberttalley in Matthew, New Testament, Reading, Religion.
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    Questions to consider when following the survey reading plan. I apologize for posting this a day late. 

    1. January 7, Matthew 1-2, In what ways is Jesus presented by Matthew in chapters one and two?
    2. January 8, Matthew 3-4, If chapters one and two emphasize Jesus as the Son of David, what emphasis is given in chapters three and four?
    3. January 9, Matthew 5-7, In one sentence, what is the point Matthew is making by including the Sermon on the Mount in His gospel.
    4. January 10, Matthew 8-9, What is tension portrayed in the events of these two chapters?
    5. January 11, Matthew 10-11, How does the commissioning of the apostles in chapter 10 further the purpose of Matthew’s gospel?
    6. January 12, Matthew 12-13, Chapters 11-12 bring the conflict between Jesus and His enemies to a head. How does this help you to understand the parables in chapter 13?
    7. January 13, Matthew 14-15, What picture do we have of Jesus’ ministry in chapters 14-15? Don’t forget chapters 4-13 in your thinking on this question!

By Monday, January 21 select one of the five major teaching sections of Matthew and write how that section furthers Matthew’s purpose in presenting Jesus credentials as the Messiah, the king of the Jews. The five major teaching sections are:  the Sermon on the Mount (5-7), the commissioning of the apostles (10), the kingdom parables (13), a discourse about the childlikeness of the believer (18), and the Olivet Discourse (24-25). Your answer will be shared with all those who respond to this question. Feel free to ask questions in the meantime.

How would your pet map your bed? and a reading challenge August 18, 2007

Posted by roberttalley in Humor, Reading, Religion.
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StrangeMaps has some great maps with great information. Enjoy this one but do not stop there.


I’m beginning to appreciate Ryle. You can too and this blogger wants to make it easy for you. Tim Challies reads Ryle