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One reason why Christianity is so weak today. October 18, 2007

Posted by roberttalley in Book Reviews, Evangelicalism, Personalities, Religion.
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A book review over the failures of evangelicalism during the past half century.

60 Minutes, Joel Osteen, and ESPN October 16, 2007

Posted by roberttalley in Evangelicalism, Joel Osteen, Personalities, Prosperity Gospel, Religion.

I did not see the 60 Minutes piece on Osteen but heard about it here on ESPN Radio. (UPDATE: The date to look under is 10/15/2007. The theme: Appreciate Greatness.) WARNING! You have to register for a podcast to play this. Basically Cowherd was making a point about the critical spirit of American society. He asks why someone is critical of Osteen when he preaches a positive message that gets people “under the tent.” Cowherd does not claim to be religious and his question is legitimate. The answer can be found in the links below but the short answer is this: “A message that sounds positive but is not true is not a positive message but a lie.” 

The post is about Osteen, the links about related topics (HT: The Shepherd’s Scrapbook)

There are a lot of connecting links here mainly to detractors of Joel Osteen but one video link where he speaks for himself to Larry King. Thanks to the fellows who gathered these links.

Links to Michael Horton (he was interviewed on 60 Minutes about Osteen) articles. (HT: Pastor and People by Dustin Benge)

Osteen’s newest book reviewed and a segment of him on Larry King Live. (HT: Expository Thoughts by Paul Lamy)

The Bible position on Global Warming July 13, 2007

Posted by roberttalley in Day of the Lord, Environment, Eschatology, Evangelicalism, False Doctrine, Genesis, Global Warming, Gospel, Judgment, Promises of God, Romans.

Will probably use part of this article in the sermon on Sunday. Try to figure out which part of this article best fits in with Psalm 19. Let me know if you figure it out before Sunday.

must-read (Thanks to Tim Challlies at Tim Challies)